Tian, Li,Guo, Yan, Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth and Integrated Urban Rural Development, Routledge, 2019,ISBN978-0-815-34911-2 中国半城市化地区的土地利用、增长与城乡统筹发展 Book review: Asa Roast, Peri-Urban China. Land use, growth, and integrated urban-rural development, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2019(),1-3
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Tian, Li,2014, Land Values, Property Rights and Urban Development: Betterment and Compensation under the Land Use Rights of China, ISBN:9781783476398 Edward Elgar Publishing
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Junrong Ma, Li Tian*… Wei Ouyang, Global property rights and land use efficiency, Nature Communications, 即刊稿
An Huang, Li Tian*, L. Liu, et al. Regional complex system simulation optimization through linking governance and environment performance: A case study of water environmental carrying capacity based on the SDES model,2023(104),Environmental Impact Assessment Review,1-17
Yu Wang, Li Tian *, Ziyi Wang, Chenyue Wang, Yuan Gao, ffects of Transfer of Land Development Rights on Urban-rural Integration: Theoretical framework and Evidence from Chongqing, China, Land, 2023(12)
L. Shen Li Tian*, et al. The Impact of the Built Environment on the Commuting Distance of Middle/Low-income Tenant Workers in Mega Cities Based on Nonlinear Analysis in Machine Learning, Urban Rail Transit, 2023(10)
Yuan Gao a, Li Tian*, et al. From welfarism to entrepreneurialism: Impacts of the “shanty-area renovation” scheme on housing prices in China,Habitat International, 2023(5),1-14
Yuan Gao, Li Tian, An Huang, Huan Zhang, et al,Research on Sustainable Development of Natural-Social-Economical System Based on Emergy Accounting Method: A Case Study for the County-level,City of Liyang in China, Land, 2023
An Huang, Li Tian*, et al. Land-use Planning Serves as a Critical Tool for Improving Resources and Environmental Carrying Capacity: A Review of Evaluation Methods and Application, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2023(1)
Tian, Li,Liu, Jinxuan, Liang Yinglong and Yaxin Wu, A Participatory e-Planning Model in the Urban Renewal of China: Implications of technologies in facilitating planning participation, Environment and Planning B, 2022(6), 1-17
Li, Jingwei, Tian, Li, Wei Ouyang, Exploring the Relationship Between Neighborhood Built Environment and Elderly Health: A Research Based on Heterogeneity of Age and Gender Groups in Beijing, Frontiers in Public Health, 2022
Tian, Li,Jing Xia, Wei Ouyang, et al, Mobility restriction and its implications for rental housing market during COVID-19 pandemic in China’s large cities, Ciites, 2022(3)
Lin Zhou Tian Li *, Yandong Cao, et al. (2020) Industrial land supply at different technological intensities and its contribution to economic growth in China: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Land Use Policy, 2020(6), 1-12
Zhihao Yao, Tian Li *,How did collectivity retention affect land use transformation in peri-urban areas of China? A case of Panyu, Guangzhou, Journal of Rural Studies, 79(2020),1-10
Tian Li*,Yaqi Yan, George Lin, Yaxin Wu, Lei Shao, Breaking the land monopoly: Can collective land reform alleviate the housing shortage in China’s mega-cities?, Cities, 106(2020),1-10
Chaosu Li 1 , Yan Song, Li Tian and Wei Ouyang,Urban Form, Air Quality, and Cardiorespiratory Mortality: A Path Analysis,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2020, 17(4)
Yaxin Wu, Tian Li *,Yingkai Ling,Examining the Impacts of Land Supply on Housing Price in Chinese Mega-Cities: An analysis of prefecture-level cities in China from 2009 to 2016,China City Planning Review, 2019(5)
Chenjing Fan, Ouyang, W. *, Tian Li *, Song, Yan, Miao, Wensheng, Elderly Health Inequality in China and its Determinants: a Geographical Perspective,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2019(4)
Gao, Y. Tian, Li*, Lin Zhou et al, Supplying social infrastructure land for satisfying public needs or leasing residential land? A study of local government choices in China, Land Use Policy, 88(2019)
Lin Zhou, Tian, Li*, et al. How did industrial land supply respond to transitions in state strategy? An analysis of prefecture-level cities in China from 2007 to 2016, Land Use Policy, 87(2019), 1-13
Tian, Li*, Gaofeng Xu, Chenjing Fan, Yue Zhang* , Chaolin Gu , Yang Zhang, Analyzing mega city-regions through integrating urbanization and eco-environment systems: A case of the Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei region, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019(16), 114, IF:2.608
Tianyue Peng, David O'Connor, Bin Zhao, Yuanliang Jin a, Yunhui Zhang, Tian, Li, Na Zheng, Xiaoping Li, Deyi Hou*,Spatial distribution of lead contamination in soil and equipment dust at children's playgrounds in Beijing, China,Environmental Pollution,245(2019),363-370
Tian, Li, Yao, Z*. Fan, C. Zhou, Lin, A systems approach to enabling affordable housing for migrants through upgrading Chengzhongcun:A case of Xiamen, Cities, 2018(12), 1-14
David O'Connora, Deyi Houa,⁎, Jing Yeb, Yunhui Zhangc, Yong Sik Okd, Yinan Songa,Frederic Coulone, Tianyue Penga, Tian, Li,Lead-based paint remains a major public health concern: A critical review of global production, trade, use, exposure, health risk, and implications,Environmental Pollution,21(2018),85-101
Ouyang, W., Li, J.,Tian, Li*, Jiang Y. etc. (2018) Examining the Impacts of Land Use on Cancer Incidence through Structural Equation Modeling: A Case of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, China, Cities, 2018(3),11-23, IF 3.502
Tian Li*, Zhihao Yao,From State-dominant to Bottom-up Redevelopment: Can Institutional Change Facilitate Urban and Rural Redevelopment in China? Cities, 2018(1),1-12
Tian Li*, Liang Yinlong, and Zhang Bo (2017) Measuring Residential and Industrial Land Use Mix in the Peri-urban Areas of China, Land Use Policy, 69(2017)427-438
Hou, D., O'Connor, D., Nathanail, P., Tian, L., Ma, Y.,Integrated GIS and multivariate statistical analysis for regional scale assessment of heavy metal soil contamination: A critical review, Environmental Pollution,231(2017),1188 - 1200
Chenjing Fan, Tian Li *, Lin Zhou, Deyi Hou, Yan Song, Xiaohui Qiao, Jingwei Li, Examining the Impacts of Urban Form on Air Pollutant Emissions: Evidence from China,Journal of Environment Management, 212(2018), 405-414
Boyi Wang, Tian Li *, Zhihao Yao,Institutional Uncertainty, Fragmented Urbanization and Spatial Lock-in of the Peri-urban Area of China: A Case of Industrial Land Redevelopment in Panyu,Land Use Policy, 72(2017),241-249 IF 3.662
Tian Li, Li Yongfu*, Yan, Yaqi, and Wang, Boyi (2017) Measuring Urban Sprawl and Exploring the Role Planning Plays: A Shanghai Case Study, Land Use Policy, 67(2017), 426-435
Tian, Li*. Guo, X. Yin, W. (2017), From Urban Sprawl to Land Consolidation in Suburban Shanghai under the Backdrop of Increasing vs Decreasing Balance Policy: A Perspective of Property Rights ,Urban Studies, 54(4), 878-896, IF2.604
Tian Li, Li Yongfu*, Shao, Lei, and Zhang, Yue, Measuring the Spatio-temporal Characteristics of City Expansion and Its Driving Forces in Shanghai from 1990 to 2015, Chinese Geographic Science, 2017,27(6),875-890
Zhu, J. and Tian, Li (2016) Editorial: inclusive urbanization in the 21st century China, Cities, 2017, 1-5
Ouyang, W., Wang, B.,Tian, Li*, and Niu, X. Spatial deprivation of urban public services in migrant communities under the context of rapidly urbanizing China: A case of Shanghai, Cities, 60(2017), 436-445
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Tian, Li, Behind the Growth: Planning Education in the Fast Urbanizing China, (2015)Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36(4),465-475
Tian, Li, Land Use Dynamics Driven by Rural Industrialization and Local Land Finance in the Peri-urban Areas of China: The Examples of Jiangyin and Shunde, Land Use Policy, 45(2015),117-127
Tian, Li* and Zhu, Jieming (2013) Clarification of collective land rights and its impact on non-agricultural land use in the Pearl River Delta of China: A Case of Shunde, Cities, 2013(35), 190–199
Tian, Li* and Shen, Tiyan, Evaluation of Plan Implementation in the Transitional China: A Case of Guangzhou City Master Plan, Cities, 2011(28), 11–27,文章编号:doi:10.1016/j.cities.2010.07.002
Tian, Li*. & W. Ma (2009) Government Intervention in City Development of China: A Tool of Land Supply, Land Use Policy, 26 (2009), pp. 599-609,文章编号:doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.08.012
Tian, Li. (2008) Chengzhongcun Land Market in China: Boon or Bane?—A Perspective of Property Rights, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32(2),282-304,文章编号: DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2008.00787.x
Tian, Li. (2007) Impacts of Public Transit on Residential Property Values in the Land Market of China: Evidence from Two Transport Projects in Guangzhou, Journal of Property Research, 23(4), 347-366, DOI: 10.1080/09599910601095365
姚之浩,田莉*,从正式更新到非正式更新:集体产业用地更新的治理研究—以广州为例From Formal to Informal Renewal: Governance of Collectively owned Industrial Land Renewal Based on a Case Study of Guangzhou,China City Planning Review,2020(6)